of your new website in 7 days
If you like the design, we can then move forward and work together.
If not, there are no further obligations or hard feelings.
How does it work? Keep reading to find out.
To get started, fill out our contact form at the bottom of this page. You’ll receive a reply email within 1 business day requesting that we schedule an Initial Phone Call to learn more about your needs.

Our Initial Phone Call will take 10-25 minutes. We ask you a series of questions to clearly determine your goals for the website, major functional requirements, your timeline and other important considerations that will affect the scope of the project.
Within 2-3 business days we’ll email you a proposal for the project. This includes a detailed list of all the services and features provided with a project timeline and a quote for the project cost.
If everything in the proposal works for you, then we can move forward with the Free Design Mockup offer. At this point no money has exchanged hands and nothing has been signed.

Discovery Phase
We send you a detailed questionnaire to get a more detailed vision for your new website.
This can include links to other websites you like the look and feel of, as well as fonts, colors and other visual elements you would like to include.
You can fill the questionnaire out yourself, or if you want, we can schedule a call to go over everything together.
After the Discovery Phase, we use the information gathered to create a custom Photoshop Mockup of the homepage of your new website within 7 business days.
This mockup is just a preliminary draft. If we move forward and work together you’ll have ample opportunity to revise the design until it’s exactly what you want.

Contract & Start Project
If you like the mockup and are ready to move forward, we’ll sign a contract with the same terms outlined in the proposal, and then start your project.
If the mockups wasn’t quite what you were looking for, there’s no hard feelings and no further obligation. You owe us nothing and have gained a better sense of what you’re looking for in a website.
The only caveat is that you don’t use our custom mockup for your website without working with us.
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Island Sparky Electric